Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

The Great Society, which spent trillions of dollars trying to level the playing field, the rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten more numerous and poorer, and we’re trying to do the same thing all over again!

Rich people get rich because they don’t roll over and play dead for the government.

The actual number that we’ve transferred is $11 trillion. The war on poverty is the longest war in American history. You may not have heard too many people talk about this. The war on poverty actually started in the thirties. It was in the ’60s, ’65, that Lyndon Johnson actually gave it a name.

This is the longest war in American history. It cannot be won.

We lose it each and every day. Eleven trillion dollars since the sixties has been transferred from the producers, redistributed from the producers to the non-producers.

There’s a picture of Michelle Obama at a homeless shelter in Washington… She’s on the other side of the glass and she’s serving food to the homeless, and the homeless and the poor are showing up taking pictures of her with their cell phones!

— with their cell phones!!!

This is the poor… this is the war on poverty.

2 Responses

The poor people I see are destitute and living in the hills. They are plagued with diseases and mental illness. Don’t minimize a very serious issue!

Thank you for your comment.
I am not minimizing the issue. I am stating the historical facts, as well as an accurate description of the staged event that Michelle Obama attended.
Redistribution from the producers to the non-producers does not work, and has been shown not to work over the last 50 years.
A new approach is needed. Assist those you can, because the Govt. only makes the situation worse.

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