Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to rewrite House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian,” basically she’s going to get rid of all of the rules that the Gingrich House came up with. “Pelosi’s rule changes — which may be voted […]

I’ve been thinking about this Joe the Plumber business, and everybody is pointing out that it’s not what Joe the Plumber asked Obama, it’s what Obama answered. He wants to “spread the wealth around.” But it’s actually even worse than that. It’s now about how quickly team Obama was able to shut down Joe the […]

An article from the Wilson Quarterly, the Woodrow Wilson Center for scholars: “The Irrational Electorate.” By Larry Bartels who directs the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics in Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He is the author of Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age, published […]

Democrats have convinced millions of our citizens that America’s “standing in the world” has been rightly tarnished because we eliminated a threat to our security in Iraq. If that’s what you believe, so be it; you’re among the duped, and there’s no logic that can help you. But I do want to come at this […]

From Associated Press: “The FBI is investigating whether the community activist group ACORN helped foster voter registration fraud around the nation before the presidential election. A senior law enforcement official confirmed the investigation to The Associated Press on Thursday. A second senior law enforcement official says the FBI was looking at results of recent raids […]