Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

< Part 3 of 4 -see links below > McCain went down to talk to Big Oil execs. He gave a speech on energy and conservation. Here is the first of two portions. MCCAIN: We have proven oil reserves of at least 21 billion barrels in the United States, but a broad federal moratorium stands […]

< Part 2 of 4 – see links below > Every time we have heard Democrats whine and moan about energy dependence, every time prices of gasoline have spiked and they do hearings on windfall profits of Big Oil, there’s a solution to this. Then we hear Obama say, “No drilling for oil, why, that’s […]

< Part 1 of 4 – see links below > We finally have an issue, an issue that represents a goal for the United States of America: Energy independence, drilling for our own oil and our own natural gas. Finally, the president of the United States is willing to lead the charge on this. I […]

On June 12, the Supreme Court bestowed constitutional rights on foreign-born terrorists. The ruling is a chilling demonstration of the American divide; conservative and liberal. Four liberals on the Court — aided by Justice Kennedy — grabbed power. Their decision overturned precedent since our Founding that placed the prosecution of wars within the Executive Branch. […]

Obama: “Obama suggested that rising gas prices are not the problem. The problem, he suggested, is they’ve gone up too fast. He said he would prefer a ‘gradual adjustment.’” So your Democrat Party presidential nominee is all for rising gas prices. He just wouldn’t have had them go up this fast if he’d had anything […]