Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

“Homes facing foreclosure more than doubled in the first quarter from 2007.” Okay. You know what the number is? One out of every 194 homes foreclosed on in the first quarter. Do you know what percentage that is? 0.5%. Point five percent! One half of 1% of homes in this country are being foreclosed on […]

A brief review of international matters. First, Mrs. Clinton. Apparently, she does have influence with her foreign allies. The government of socialist thug Hugo Chavez has implemented “the Hillary Tax.” Starting this week in Venezuela, foreign oil companies will have to pay between 50 and 60 percent higher taxes on earnings — which should pretty […]

The laughably named; Government Accountability Office has released a review of over a dozen federal agencies over the last 15 months. They found that close to 41 percent of all of the charges on government credit cards did not follow procedure and were improperly authorized. We’re talking about 300,000 credit card holders here, and they […]

A few days ago, we had the news, and I’m sure you heard it, too, that Condoleezza Rice was actively pursuing the vice presidency with Senator McCain. He didn’t know anything about it. Elisabeth Bumiller in the New York Times says, “Is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice campaigning to be John McCain’s running mate? If […]

I’ve heard stories of people speculating in the housing market. You know, not everybody’s who’s got caught up in this mortgage crisis is poor, and not everybody was lent money that had no business being lent money. A lot of these people were speculators. They were buying houses and flipping them, never living in them, […]