Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!


A simple, straightforward, accurate portrayal of a Conservative Rally and a Liberal Rally. What a contrast. 8-28-2010 Restoring Honor Rally This Rally began with a member of the Boy Scouts reciting, along with the crowd, the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (anyone remember that from school). Political Rally – NOT – No policies discussed, No politicians were […]

Obama and his town hall meeting on CNBC: An audience member says to him, My dad and I were talking about the Tea Party.  What will you do if these people are elected? OBAMA: America has a noble tradition of being healthfully skeptical about government.  That’s in our DNA. We came in because, the folks, […]

Keep up-to-date with Obama accomplishments – CliffsNotes… OBAMA ACCOMPLISHMENTS: An ongoing Saga July 15th additions now posted.

Supreme Court 5-4 vote, if this court were actually following the Constitution that gun vote should have been nine to nothing, it should have been unanimous. When this case was brought, a lot of people said, “What do you mean the Second Amendment might not apply to the states?  How can that be?”   Everybody […]