Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

First things first: Congratulations to the U.S. Military and God bless you all!! Congratulations President Obama. President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out. President Obama has continued the Bush policies of keeping a military presence in the Middle East. He did not scrub the mission […]

Congressman Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, last Friday at the National Press Club.  Here’s what he said. CONYERS: I love these members that get up and say, “Read the bill!” What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out […]

One thing about Leon Panetta. I don’t want to hear about these objections based on Panetta’s “lack of experience” as a spy or as an intel guy to disqualify him. There is not one Democrat looking at this logically who can object to Leon Panetta as head of the CIA. If we can have a […]

Do you know how many hearings, by the way, the Congress, House and Senate combined have had on oil and energy this year? Do you know how many hearings there have been with the Big Oil execs and without, just exploratory hearings? They’ve had 40 hearings on oil and energy, and has anything happened? Yes, […]

Our biggest oil company, Exxon, is one of the smallest oil companies in the world if you factor in the Saudis and all of the Gulf states and their companies and so forth. Our domestic oil companies are huge within the context of the continental United States — well, including Alaska and Hawaii, but in […]