“House Passes $800 Billion Stimulus Plan with No Republican Support.” The headline ought to be: “House Democrats Vote to Spend $800 Billion in Pork They Don’t Have, Republicans Fail to Stop It,” or “Republicans Don’t Support It.“ There’s nothing wrong with needed stimulus, by the way, if it’s stimulus. But this is not stimulus. This […]
The word “bipartisan.” Everybody bandies that word around, and I’ve always said that “bipartisanship” is defined in Washington as Republicans caving on their principles and agreeing with Democrats. The vote on the so called “stimulus” bill in the House, was a partisan vote. The victorious side was all Democrats. The bipartisan vote was the losing […]
A story out of Alaska involving Governor Sarah Palin, and what it demonstrates is that you can cut government but you have to really get far from Washington. “Gov. Sarah Palin announced in her State of the State Speech on Thursday night that she wants to freeze all state hiring except for public safety but […]
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to rewrite House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian,” basically she’s going to get rid of all of the rules that the Gingrich House came up with. “Pelosi’s rule changes — which may be voted […]
I read a classic, Media, gloom-and-doom story from AP; it’s a collection of sob stories from around the country to justify their assertion that America is in a “bad mood.” The article’s message is that only by embracing “change” will we relieve our supposed “bad mood” — and, of course, Obama (if you have not […]