Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

While the Obama administration sinks trillions of new dollars into social welfare programs that have a track record of failure, there are moves afoot to cut defense spending. Among the cuts Defense Secretary Robert Gates is proposing is the F-22 Raptor fighter jet program. Secretary Gates is focusing the Pentagon to address the smaller, lower-tech […]

I am. Come walk the walk… forget all the talk. Time to Unite.

Tax Tea Party Oceanside, Ca.

YOU MUST SEE THIS… HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION FRUSTRATED INC. CAN GRANT. DO NOT MISS THIS. SIMPLE TRUTH… COMMON SENSE 2009 Glen Beck turned me on to this video. This is a must see. Thank you Glen. Phantom Lady We The People Stimulus Package

The Drudge Report,  The headline: “Flashback: Carville Wanted Bush to Fail“ …but that is only half the story. “The press never reported that Democratic strategist James Carville said he wanted President Bush to fail before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But a feeding frenzy ensued when radio host Rush Limbaugh recently said he wanted Obama’s, […]