Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

It is sad and funny at the same time. It was predictable, a lot of people did predict it. They were right. What went on on Capitol Hill Tuesday is a testament to the cluelessness of the people in charge of supposedly saving this economy. It is absolutely absurd to watch all this go down. […]

In the waning hours of the campaign season, Representative Jack Murtha (Democrat, Pennsylvania) is seeking help from and every other fringe group he can find to hold on to his seat. Despite slandering our troops — falsely accusing them of killing innocent men, women, and children in Iraq — Jack Murtha was considered a […]

A few quotes in Manchester, New Hampshire.MCCAIN: Last week, his campaign actually found itself on a detour into the real world in the driveway of Joe the Plumber. Joe didn’t ask for Senator Obama to come to his house, and he sure didn’t ask to be famous and he certainly didn’t ask for the political […]

I’ve been thinking about this Joe the Plumber business, and everybody is pointing out that it’s not what Joe the Plumber asked Obama, it’s what Obama answered. He wants to “spread the wealth around.” But it’s actually even worse than that. It’s now about how quickly team Obama was able to shut down Joe the […]

Maybe it’s time to change the Pennsylvania state slogan, “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania”, to something like: “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania… if you’re a working-class racist slimeball Democrat.” Now, don’t misunderstand; that’s not my view of Pennsylvanians — it’s the view of Pennsylvania Democrat Jack Murtha. Congressman Murtha told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: […]