Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Georgia Democrat John Lewis has gotten a pass for years, primarily because he was brutally beaten by racists during the 1960s civil rights demonstrations. He’s lived off that horrid episode ever since, unleashing partisan attacks while posing as a moralist. Last Saturday, Rep. Lewis accused John McCain and Sarah Palin of “sowing the seeds of […]

Last week — just outside Baghdad, at a palace once occupied by Saddam Hussein — Defense Secretary Robert Gates presided over an understated ceremony attended by top Iraqi and American officials. There, General David Petraeus handed over the flag of his command, the Multi-National Force, and said his farewells. The farewell came almost a year […]

Amir Taheri in the New York Post, a damning piece, but typical. This tells us everything we want to know about Barack Obama. “While campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of […]

Reports after the Charlie Gibson interviews and the ABC interviews concluded that Sarah Palin is simply unqualified, she’s too ignorant, she is too ill-equipped in foreign policy to be vice president. Thursday night on ABC’s Nightline, Charlie Gibson is interviewing her, and she says this about terrorists who want to hurt or kill Americans. PALIN: […]

Here is Sarah Palin and the future of American politics…PALIN: We were so blessed in April, Todd and I welcomed our littlest one into the world, a perfectly beautiful baby boy named Trig. You know, from the inside, no family ever seems typical, and that’s how it is with us. Our family has the same […]