Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. Please forgive my recent absence from the blogging world. Nothing has changed. The world is still upside down. I can not believe what has been going on for the last few months. I have returned to expose the political insanity going on in this country. Currently, I […]

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), on Governments Constitutional Powers… Stark: “The Federal government can, yes, do most anything in this country.” Suggested reading for all that seek to defend liberty. REFERENCE ___ The Road to Serfdom – a book written by the Austrian-born economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek between 1940–1943, in which he “warned of […]

Keep up-to-date with Obama accomplishments – CliffsNotes… OBAMA ACCOMPLISHMENTS: An ongoing Saga July 15th additions now posted.

Supreme Court 5-4 vote, if this court were actually following the Constitution that gun vote should have been nine to nothing, it should have been unanimous. When this case was brought, a lot of people said, “What do you mean the Second Amendment might not apply to the states?  How can that be?”   Everybody […]

Obama inherits Petraeus. He didn’t hire Petraeus. Petraeus was there. Petraeus was hired by George W. Bush. Obama’s constantly complaining about all the problems he inherited from Bush. Now he’s inherited Petraeus. He got Bush’s general, who his party and his voters hate. And by the way, has removed their Petraeus ad from their […]