Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

The Pew Research Center reports that a growing number of African-Americans believe they’re worse off than they were five years ago. No surprise, given the doom-and-gloom coverage of racial issues these past years from the media. Less than half think their future is going to be any better. Two thirds say there’s a growing difference […]

Pete Wehner, who used to work in the White House (he was on Karl Rove’s staff, number one behind Rove) has a piece today on Huckabee. It’s at National Review Online, and he also wants to take issue with the first two paragraphs of Huckabee’s essay that he wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine, particularly the […]

MERRY CHRISTMAS… AND HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. FROM: FRUSTRATED INC. PHANTOMLADY Blog on Christmas vacation till Dec 28. Family comes first, Love to all.

Nancy Pelosi lashed out at Republicans, saying they want the Iraq war to drag on and are ignoring the public’s priorities. “They like this war. They want this war to continue,” said Pelosi. Madam Speaker, you, of all the great competence in the House of Representatives, let me tell you what we want. When I […]

Mrs. Clinton on CNBC yesterday afternoon with Maria Bartiromo, who said, “Where was Congress during all this?” This is about the mortgage crisis. “Where was Congress during all this? We had a lot of nonbanks in on the scheme with crazy proposals, no documentation, no interest for several months. Did Congress understand what is going […]