Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

President Bush is now announcing the lifting of the executive order banning offshore drilling. It won’t mean anything. Congress still has to act, but he is announced today! HOWALUYA…OIL in the US REBORN Finally, America you can drill… where the oil actually is. If Congress will get off their fat asses and get something done […]

550 metric tons of yellowcake ferreted out of Iraq on the way to Canada. This yellowcake, from what I understand, was from Gulf War I. I guess the left’s position now is going to be… “Well, we had no business going into Iraq. We should have left that yellowcake with Saddam Hussein and his multi-billion-dollar […]

Obama speech in Independence, Missouri. He said, “I will never question the patriotism of any of my opponents.” Hey! Who has questioned his? And then he said, “I’m not going to sit idly by when someone questions mine.” Now, who is questioning his patriotism? There might be some fringe people out there, for crying out […]

Chris Matthews on DNCTV and his show, Hardball. MATTHEWS: I don’t understand why the Democratic Party doesn’t do to the Republicans what the Republicans did to the Democrats back in 1980 when we had a fuel crisis. You got gasoline going to five bucks a gallon. Everybody knows that. It could be at six by […]

< Part 3 of 4 -see links below > McCain went down to talk to Big Oil execs. He gave a speech on energy and conservation. Here is the first of two portions. MCCAIN: We have proven oil reserves of at least 21 billion barrels in the United States, but a broad federal moratorium stands […]