Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Today, ladies and gentlemen, I address the Democrat superdelegates. It must be apparent to you “supers” that Senator Obama will not lead you to victory in November (painfully, obviously), but you fear that denying him support will create a permanent fissure between black voters and the Democrat Party. No Democrat has the courage to examine […]

The Jeremiah Wright stuff is not really about religion, it’s not even about racism. The racism is in the Democrat Party. Let me tell you what the Reverend Wright stuff is really all about. It’s religious to the extent that he’s a pastor. What the Jeremiah Wright stuff is all about is: Just who the […]

When the effort to reform campaign financing was underway. It would weaken Republicans’ ability to freely speak to voters. It would not take the money out of politics, it would merely redirect it — and all that has happened. Now there’s another effort underway aimed at restricting campaign speech. It’s the ad produced by the […]

New York Times editorial: “The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result [on Tuesday], was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it. Voters are getting tired of it.” Right. It was a record turnout, was it not, in Pennsylvania? And […]

AP Headline: “Executives See Credit and Housing as Big Threats”. But you know what they see as the second biggest threat? They don’t put it this way, but I will: The election of Democrats to the presidency the second biggest threat to the American economy, because they’ll raise taxes. Martin Crutsinger: “Turmoil in credit and […]