Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

From NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: “Average temperature across both the contiguous US, and the globe during climatological winter December ’07 to February 2008 was the coolest since 2001, according to scientists at NOAA in Asheville, North Carolina. In terms of winter precipitation, Pacific storms bringing heavy precipitation to alarming parts of the […]

I know this is nothing new to Conservatives, but, I just had to share this wonderful information, provided by the Media Research Center. The illustration is enlightening, to say the least. Excerpts from the Media Research Center: 1. For Second Night, ABC and NBC Refuse to Utter Spitzer’s Party ID Just as occurred Monday night, […]

Now, this is going to come as quite a shock to many of you, particularly those of you on the Democrat side, and particularly many of you independents who have an impression of Barack Obama that is false. That impression is largely that he is clean and pure as the wind-driven snow. He’s new. He’s […]

What’s the number-one women’s health issue, in terms of publicity? It’s breast cancer. The pink breast cancer awareness ribbons became fashion statements in the 1990s. Hundreds of marches took place every year promoting "breast cancer awareness." Constant public service ads urge women to get regular mammograms because early diagnosis can save lives. Well, here’s meat of […]

There’s a big controversy over what happened on the Outlook pages of the Washington Post. A column that was written by a woman, Charlotte Allen, and the headline — “We Scream, We Swoon, How Dumb Can We Get?” She’s talking about women swooning and fainting in Obama audiences and so forth, and how this looks […]