Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Thank god, the Republican party has grown some balls… and a spine. And, go figure, it’s a WOMAN. Mark this moment in history. Last night was amazing.  So much to look forward to. More in-depth post to follow.

This is Sarah Palin and her accomplishments. Obama could not make a speech like this. PALIN: In serving as the team mom and coaching some basketball on the side, I got involved in the PTA and then was elected to the city council and then elected mayor of my hometown where my agenda was to […]

OK, I admit it. I have been unenthusiastic about the Republican nominee since the beginning. But, I sure those who read this blog, knew that. I am thrilled to announce that I am finally in McCain’s camp, 100 percent. DAYTON, OH- Injecting a new twist into the presidential race, John McCain on Friday introduced Alaska […]

Democrats have exactly what they want. They have been touting all this crap about conservation. They have been hoping for higher prices for a long time, to try to affect people’s behavior. They don’t like the way people behave with affordable gasoline, they don’t like it. They want to control people’s behavior as much as […]

Do you know how many hearings, by the way, the Congress, House and Senate combined have had on oil and energy this year? Do you know how many hearings there have been with the Big Oil execs and without, just exploratory hearings? They’ve had 40 hearings on oil and energy, and has anything happened? Yes, […]