Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Newsweek, Sharon Begley: “We can’t afford to make any more mistakes in how to ‘save the planet.’” She says… “You can stop berating yourself for buying that Spanish clementine or New Zealand lamb. Although lists of ‘what you can do to save the planet’ include eating locally — buying food that is grown nearby — […]

New York Times editorial: “The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result [on Tuesday], was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it. Voters are getting tired of it.” Right. It was a record turnout, was it not, in Pennsylvania? And […]

You know, the most enduring image from World War II is the photo of the Marines raising the American flag over Iwo Jima. The photo — it captures so much about this nation and its courageous soldiers — continues to be a source of inspiration and awe. It’s a call to victory in the face […]

While in the Middle East this week, former president Jimmy Carter has generated some press for his efforts to befriend the Islamic terrorist group Hamas. Despite rebuffs from Israel — and our own government — Carter is playing the role of a “communicator,” as he calls it, supposedly gathering information from Hamas and Syrian leaders […]

Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness concept — the Democrats and Liberals are not for life, they’re not for liberty, they’re not for the pursuit of happiness. How can they be for life when they’re sponsoring and have sponsored and promoted and have promoted abortion as a political objective over the years. Liberty, what liberty? You […]