Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Yesterday, Barack Obama attempted to refine his anti-war credentials. He claimed the Iraq war has diminished “our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy, and resources” that we need to meet the challenges of this century. Now, my friends, it’s been almost seven years since 9/11. We have disrupted terror cells all […]

Bin Laden a long time ago said he was going to bankrupt our nation, and with all the chaos that’s been going on with oil and housing and food and all these things. Bin Laden did say he wanted to bankrupt America. This is before 9/11, I believe, and he hoped that 9/11 would do […]

President Bush is now announcing the lifting of the executive order banning offshore drilling. It won’t mean anything. Congress still has to act, but he is announced today! HOWALUYA…OIL in the US REBORN Finally, America you can drill… where the oil actually is. If Congress will get off their fat asses and get something done […]

550 metric tons of yellowcake ferreted out of Iraq on the way to Canada. This yellowcake, from what I understand, was from Gulf War I. I guess the left’s position now is going to be… “Well, we had no business going into Iraq. We should have left that yellowcake with Saddam Hussein and his multi-billion-dollar […]

Obama follows, Wesley Clark was on Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, with remarks like this in his speech in Independence, Missouri, on patriotism. OBAMA: I will never question the patriotism of others in this campaign. And I will not stand idly by when I hear others question mine. Wait a minute, whose patriotism has […]