Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District Democrat candidate Parker Griffith, what he thinks the real problem with America is. This is from September 15th. GRIFFITH: I think America’s greatest enemy is America and its imperialism. And I think that . . . uh . . . we have nothing to fear from radical Islam. We have nothing […]

The election’s over, Chuck Todd said so today on MSNBC. All the polling data, a tipping point’s been reached, folks, it’s all headed in the direction of Obama. The only good sign for McCain is that the debate is tonight with Palin, but Palin is so incompetent and unqualified, that’s a loser. Gwen Ifill is […]

Amir Taheri in the New York Post, a damning piece, but typical. This tells us everything we want to know about Barack Obama. “While campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of […]

Here is Sarah Palin and the future of American politics…PALIN: We were so blessed in April, Todd and I welcomed our littlest one into the world, a perfectly beautiful baby boy named Trig. You know, from the inside, no family ever seems typical, and that’s how it is with us. Our family has the same […]

I have summaries of three media reports on the choice of Sarah Palin… First, the Boston Herald: “Mitt Romney Lauds McCain’s Sarah Palin Pick — ‘Governor Palin’s story is one that all Americans will find inspiring,’ Romney said in a statement. ‘She’s a Washington outsider with a commitment to conservative principles that will make our […]