Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

A story from The scramble for Iraq strategy in which it was stated that the Democrats are searching for a new policy now, a new strategy, on Iraq. They don’t quite know what to do. Well, here it is. Headline: “‘Democrats Scramble for Iraq Strategy.’ Democrats are scrambling to deal with a new dynamic […]

Sept 10-07 Tom Lantos, who is co-chairing the committee (he’s from California) told Petraeus (I’m going to have to paraphrase this) that he knows — he, Lantos, and all Congress knows — that Petraeus and Crocker have been sent up there to convince the Congress and the American people that victory is at hand. Lantos […]

You know, ladies and gentlemen, it’s amazing. The Democrats‘ experts on the military, they have no concept how to win. They don’t want to win, and they challenge the integrity and honor of General Petraeus, sitting before them in full military dress with his fourlie to them. They also tell us they need to run […]

There’s a question that I would love to hear asked of all those Democrats who continue to say that, when we went into Iraq, we took our eyes off of Osama Bin Laden and the war on terror. And that question is, if we captured or killed Osama Bin Laden, would the war on terror […]