Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

First: With crude oil hovering over a hundred bucks a barrel, Nancy Pelosi scheduled a vote to raise taxes on America’s oil companies. To the tune of $18 billion. That tax increase, naturally, would be passed on to you, the consumer. Some of the money, say Democrats, would be used to invest in “alternative energy […]

This is from the, a science website. All four major global temperature tracking outlets — Hadley, NASA’s GISS, the UAH, and the RSS — have data showing that global temperatures have dropped big-time. Does this mean that Al Gore is out of a job? Does it mean that they should rescind his Nobel Peace […]

On this day, the Conservative movement has lost a great leader. We morn his passing, and rejoice in the knowledge he shared with generations and generations of proud Americans to follow. Our warmest prayers and deepest condolences to his family and friends. You will be missed. You will never be forgotten.