Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

This is former Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich during a House Democrat Steering and Policy committee meeting back on January 7th. The racism in this country, the looking at people as members of groups and assigning them as such exists solely on the left. REICH: I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, […]

Juan Williams, who is at the Fox News Channel and has a terrific piece in the Wall Street Journal today. The headline and the subheadline of the piece are this: “Judge Obama on Performance Alone — Let’s Not Celebrate More Ordinary Speeches.” He, too, was one who thought that yesterday’s speech was somewhat ordinary. There […]

The prayer by the Reverend Joseph Lowery, was far more memorable than the inaugural address by President Obama. It just was. I mean, if you want to etch — if you want to chisel — some words in stone, “The brown can stick around when yellow will be mellow; when the red man can get […]

I have noticed that the white news anchors and commentators, who are most of them, have become incoherent in how they’re reporting all of this. They’re incoherent. There’s nothing objective. There’s nothing mature. It is pure psycho-babble hero cult worship. They’re trying to outdo each other to see who can be the most loyal, celebratory, […]

One thing about Leon Panetta. I don’t want to hear about these objections based on Panetta’s “lack of experience” as a spy or as an intel guy to disqualify him. There is not one Democrat looking at this logically who can object to Leon Panetta as head of the CIA. If we can have a […]