Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Casualties are mounting. Home Depot announced they were killing off 7,000. Sprint: killing 8,000. Pfizer: 8,000 more. Other companies, including Caterpillar, brought the total to 40,000 jobs killed, in just one day.Sadly, casualties are expected to rise, with no end in sight. Economists warn that we’re just witnessing the tip of the iceberg. By the […]

A story out of Alaska involving Governor Sarah Palin, and what it demonstrates is that you can cut government but you have to really get far from Washington. “Gov. Sarah Palin announced in her State of the State Speech on Thursday night that she wants to freeze all state hiring except for public safety but […]

What do you suppose the reaction would be — especially in the Media — if I said: “Democrats are bad people… who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads”? Or if I said an “untainted Democrat has not yet been invented”? Well, those two quotes were once uttered by Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel — […]

Nancy Pelosi said that birth control will help the economy. Fewer people means fewer benefits, means less energy used. I kid you not. When I think of reducing budget deficits, it would never occur to me to think about eliminating people. But this takes it to a whole new level. Nancy Pelosi: Contraception is Stimulus. […]