Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Nancy Pelosi said that birth control will help the economy. Fewer people means fewer benefits, means less energy used.

I kid you not.

When I think of reducing budget deficits, it would never occur to me to think about eliminating people. But this takes it to a whole new level.

Nancy Pelosi: Contraception is Stimulus.

Funds for family planning, which is abortion all over the world, this is an executive order of Obama’s that he is reversing from the Bush administration. We refused to fund all these abortion groups worldwide. Obama is now doing it in his mad dash to get as far to the left as quickly as possible with executive orders.

Stephanopoulos said to her,

“We also heard from Congressman Boehner coming out of the meeting today that, again, a lot of that spending doesn’t even meet the same test that you just talked about right now, hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?”


Well, the family planning services reduced costs, it reduced costs. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crisis now, and — and part of it, what we do for children’s health, education, and some of those elements that are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those — one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, is — will reduce cost to the state, and to the federal government.


So no apologies for that?


No apologies, no. We have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

Do you understand what you just heard here? Contraception does what? Contraception produces fewer human beings. Nancy Pelosi is suggesting that fewer human beings is an economic stimulus.

Now, this is different than saying what Paul Ehrlich said, that we’ve got a population problem. He was dead wrong about it, by the way, but all the left-wing environmentalist are suggesting that we’ve got an overpopulation problem, too many people that can’t be fed. That’s not the problem.

The problem is the unequal distribution of capitalism around the world. It is a majority distribution of communism and socialism that starves people in more ways than just food. But this is even more sinister, ’cause it’s related to the stimulus plan.

Nancy Pelosi says “family planning” is now economic stimulus.

SIMPLE TRUTH: “Family planning” equals abortion.

Abortion is economic stimulus. Abortion reduces costs to the states, which are in terrible budget crises now. We will have fewer children to worry about their health, their education. We just have more abortion, and this reinstitution of worldwide funding of abortion groups that Obama has made is being promoted and sold by Nancy Pelosi as good for the economic stimulus bill.

Now many of us tried to point out the extreme abortion views of Barack Obama during the campaign. And, of course, we cited the facts of his support for an extreme piece of legislation in Illinois — and the federal legislation, by the way — which would not save the life of a baby that survived an abortion.

Because the original intent of the mother was to abort the baby, we wouldn’t embarrass the doctor. So no resuscitation for babies which survived abortion, and Obama voted for it purposely twice. They tried to cover for him on it.

Now Nancy Pelosi is suggesting that abortion can help our nation’s economic recovery. Not by creating jobs, but by creating fewer people that the government has to pay benefits to! The strange thing about this is that it really makes no sense from the Democrat perspective. We have too many unsold cars on the lots. We have too many unsold houses on the market. We have aborted a million potential customers for these houses and cars per year since 1973. The average number is 1.2 million abortions a year. Most of those are Democrats that are having these abortions.

What we need right now is customers. What the Democrats would love more than anything right now is more voters. Nancy Pelosi has just said that human beings harm the economy. Human beings harm the environment.

This is more than just liberal ignorance, folks. We need to abort and “contracept,” in Nancy’s view, because too many of the poor are totally dependent on the state and federal governments? Isn’t she admitting in the process…?

Yeah, you say, why not expand the programs then? “We’re outta money! We’re running a trillion dollar deficit.” She’s admitting we cannot expand any more federal programs. We don’t have the money. We need fewer people.

This is astounding. This is outrageous.

Stephanopoulos, he didn’t get it. He said,

“There were no Republican votes in the Appropriations Committee, no Republican votes in the Ways and Means Committee. Is the bipartisan effort that President Obama has called for, is it there?”


Well, the — because the Republicans didn’t vote for it doesn’t mean they didn’t have an opportunity to. President-elect Obama at that time on January 5th had our first bipartisan meeting — House and Senate, Democrats and Republicans — and some ideas that were put on the table by the Republicans at that time were contained in the mark — the bill that we wrote. And now, uh, this morning, they had some more suggestions, which we will review, and see if they create jobs, ah, uh, er, ah — and turn the economy around, and do so in a cost-effective way.

I’ll tell you, this woman is… IGNORANT. There’s just no brain there. There just is not a brain there, and here again, you see how she defines bipartisan…

Well, the Republicans were in the meeting. Republicans were in the meeting, and if they have any ideas, we’ll… — They’re not going to listen to any Republican ideas!

Bipartisanship is when Republicans cave to Democrat ideas.

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