Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

NY Post: The Chevy Volt Could Lead to Blackouts You know the story the other day that the Chevrolet Volt is going to get something like 230 miles to the gallon? Adam Victor in the New York Post: “Sorry, the new Chevrolet Volt does not promise a ‘green’ revolution — indeed, the car could trigger […]

Robert Gibbs, at a daily press briefing, said this about the town halls. GIBBS: While I appreciate that you all have decided that every town hall meeting ends in pushing, shoving, uhh, and yelling, uhhh, I — I — I don’t think many of — well, I — I don’t know how many town halls […]

Ronald Reagan in 1961, Operation Coffee Cup Operation Coffee Cup campaign against socialized medicine as it was then proposed by Democrats. Here is just a portion, distributed by the American Medical Association. REAGAN: Now back in 1927 an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said the American […]