Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Everybody is harping on the fact that they supposedly ceased their development in 2003, but they still are seeking uranium. They still have all the centrifuges — and, you know, that’s not to produce gasoline or electric power for the people of Iran. It would be silly to take this report and say, “Oh, sweetness and light! They’re not a threat anymore,” just as it’s silly for Mrs. Clinton to say, her diplomacy — which there hasn’t been any diplomacy she was involved in, her idea of diplomacy — is what’s brought about the success here?

We’re foolish to accept that.

This whole thing is being looked at in the wrong way. It’s being looked at through the prism of Democrat Party politics, which is exactly how the media wants these things looked at, and the prism of Democrat Party politics is about the presidential election in ’08 and how we can destroy Bush.

Pure and simple. That’s all this report’s worth to them. That’s all that matters to them about it, and they cannot be trusted with the defense of this country at their feet.

They cannot be trusted. It’s not just a lack of maturity on this.

These people are just dangerously wrong in their entire worldview — and I would suggest also their view of this country is offensive to me.

The NIE Report: It’s a snapshot of a battlefield shrouded in fog.

Just because the snapshot doesn’t show the enemy down there, doesn’t mean they’re not hiding in the fog, and that is why intent must be considered. Virtually every nuclear power developed their weapons program in secrecy right under the noses of the Internet community, just as Iran is doing, or has been doing, now. Now you have to look at the intent of the Iranians, not our hopes and dreams for the Iranians.

When I read this business that the NIE report suggests we must “find alternative ways for establishing and maintaining the Iranians’ prestige,i.e., their self-esteem in that part of the world and so forth, screw that! What about our prestige? What about our national security? We can’t ignore what this nut job is saying. He’s clearly articulating his intentions and his desires regarding the United States, Israel, and the rest of the world.

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