Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

This is Joe Biden last night with Chris Matthews on Hardboiled.

Matthews says, “Why did we invade Iraq? Senator Biden, we were we threatening World War III with Iran, why did this administration, Cheney and the president, keep pushing the war? Why do they always want to fight or scare somebody? What is it about if it’s not weapons?”

BIDEN: I can’t prove it. I think it’s about our ability to try to dominant that region of the world to control oil. The only thing I can fit together with Cheney and his gang is that they went to war, they are smarter than they are acting. They went to war in the hope that they would be able to do two things. One, have a government that sat on a whole bunch of oil that would still exist in the world that would be indebted to us. Two, have permanent military bases in Iraq to dominate that part of the world, to be able to control oil, not to go steal it for American oil companies, but to be able to control the price and control the access of it, a very Machiavellian view.

I have multiple reactions to this. He’s very deft here for Senator Biden, starts out, says he can’t prove it, says I don’t think they’re trying to get the oil for Big Oil. Can I give you a real simple reality? It may be controversial, but it’s inarguable.

This is a world that runs on fossil fuels, folks, and it’s going to run on fossil fuels long after you and I and your grandkids are dead. Wind, solar, all pipe dream stuff, as we sit here and speak now. Would somebody explain to me what is so immoral about the leaders of this country attempting to maintain a supply and access to the fossil fuel that runs the world and runs our economy?

It is the fuel.

I’m not suggesting Biden is right. What I’m suggesting here is that even if a part of all of the strategy here is to maintain the free flow of oil at market prices, what in the name of Sam Hill is wrong with that? What’s the crime? Where’s the immorality in it?

What’s wrong with having a friendly nation in the Middle East allied with us? What’s wrong with this? Biden said all of this as though he’s indicting Cheney and Bush as criminals over oil. Now, I know this kind of thing plays well with these nut bins that make up the Democrat Party base, but I ask you a serious question of human being to human being, what in the world is so immoral, or wrong, or irresponsible about trying to maintain the free flow of oil at market prices for the purposes of the US economy and its growth — that’s jobs, that’s people’s lifestyles, that’s people’s lives, what is so wrong with this?

I am not conceding that that’s what this is all about. I’m only reacting to Biden and his attitude here that somehow a nation that thrives, and lives, and depends on, and requires the free flow of oil at market prices is somehow criminally disposed if it seeks to maintain the free flow of oil at market prices.

Hell’s bells, folks, somebody’s gotta do something to protect us from liberals and Democrats.

We can’t drill for our own oil in Alaska; we can’t drill for it in the Gulf, while the ChiComs and the Cubans and the Mexicans are and the Brazilians are, but we can’t.

We can’t open our capped wells — they were capped back in the eighties — and get that, we can’t do that, we can’t use our own. Where are we going to get it? This attitude that these Democrats have, it’s like I said yesterday, we get up every day, come in here, and what this job has become in large measure is defending this country against these people and their screwball ideas.

Senator Biden takes a train home to Delaware every day. He doesn’t have a place in Washington, when he has to stay, chums with somebody. What does he think his Amtrak train runs on? What does he think the lights and the air-conditioning in his Senate office run on, or the restaurants that he goes to out there, what does he think powers all this? This is just the height of irresponsibility, this answer about oil. He tried to indict Bush and Cheney as only caring about that, all the rest of this was just a sideshow, they actually want to get their hands on the oil supply, the Middle East’s oil supply.

Somebody has to do something to get around the obstacles posed to growth and freedom in this country by liberal Democrats and the Democrat Party in general today.

Look, I understand. You know, a little knowledge is okay, but you know what the biggest problem is? It has a huge cost.

I’m not making a joke here. Ignorance is the most expensive thing this country pays for in so many ways. Ignorance is what allows this global warming hoax to be believed by a bunch of people who simply are ignorant. I’m not saying stupid. They just don’t know, and yet they think they do.

In the last 50 years, CO2 levels in the atmosphere are up, so are global temperatures. “Ah! Well! See? CO2 is causing it!” We don’t know this. We can’t prove it! It has yet to be established.

Yet people believe it because, in a linear way, it makes sense. But it’s total ignorance that allows the belief to happen.

Same thing here with the situation in the Middle East, be it Iraq, be it Iran, be it Al-Qaeda, be it the war on terror, free flow of oil at market prices, “Let ’em handle it. It’s not our problem.”

It’s ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this.

The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered.

It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

If people actually sat down and thought about this and learned what the differences in the two ideologies are, conservatism and liberalism.

— see, liberalism, you don’t even have to think about it, because it’s all feelings. It’s the most gutless choice you can make. All you have to do is be a liberal and you’re a good person and you care and you have tolerance, all this rotgut that’s not even true, and it’s just easy, and your ignorance allows you to believe a hoax.

It allows you to believe a bunch of propaganda.

Ignorance, the most expensive thing we pay for in the United States.

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