Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

You know, Nancy Pelosi, folks, bragged about her first 100 days.


I’ll tell you what, the next 265 days really sucked!

This budget? Nobody knows what’s in it.

There are 11,000 earmarks in this! Nobody has read the whole thing. Nobody knows what’s in it. In fact, the president has assigned somebody over there to go through the whole thing, but he’s going to sign it.

He got to sign it because he got his money for Iraq in this, and he excoriated members of Congress for all these earmarks, but I’ll tell you, 3,000 of these earmarks are Republicans, the other eight or nine are Democrat earmarks thrown in at the last minute.

There are too many pages in this thing, too little time, which means by simple deduction that some people know some of the things but nobody knows all the things.

You could probably petition the government for your $100 million grant soon- who knows?

They’d say, “Oh, it’s probably in there. We’ll give it to you,” if you’re some scientist or whatnot. The money being bandied about here is just incomprehensible, and they’re going to have to do it all over again pretty soon because it’s just a continuing resolution.

Nancy Pelosi said, It takes a woman to clean up the House.”

If this is cleaning up, bring back dirty!

Everybody who votes for the budget is personally responsible for it! These guys get to act like spectators. If Congress thinks a company should be responsible for their accounting statements, shouldn’t they be responsible for their spending?

After all, it’s our money.
Well, it was, until they took it.

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