Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Once again, unintended consequences are backfiring on environmentalist nuts and alarmist.

Corn prices are through the roof, but it’s not because of food. It’s because of biofuels. “The US Congress overwhelmingly approved yesterday a bill raising fuel efficiency standards for the first time since 1975, offering massive support for biofuels in an effort to slash US dependence on foreign oil.”

Now, we had a story before: wheat prices are at an all-time high.

Then the UN had a story about food shortages, a worldwide food shortage

— and do you know why?


So much agricultural land is now being devoted to this fad, biological fuels, ethanol and all this (forgive me, Iowans) that they’re not producing as much corn and wheat, food staples, and the price is skyrocketing of course because there’s less of it for food.

So even the UN, which has a branch that’s peddling the global warming hoax, which is urging the use of biofuels and all these alternatives, sees it.

I want to see you get on an airplane and go 600 miles an hour with a propeller or windmill on top of it. These people, I feel so sorry for them in Oklahoma. Some of them still are without power, in the dead of winter, in the middle of “global warming,” with it nowhere in sight, and this is exactly what the environmentalist nuts want!

They want coal-fired power plants shut down. This would be the practical effect. The UNbiofuels are causing a shortage of food. on the other hand says that

I’ll tell you what this is, this CAFE standards, this energy bill, this global warming.

All this stuff is reminiscent — it’s taking a little bit longer to occur, but it’s reminiscent — of the knee-jerk reaction to the Dubai Ports Deal. There was no thinking about the Dubai Ports Deal. That was strictly jingoism. That was, “Oh, my God! Dubai? Arabs? Terrorists? Ports? Nooooo!”

They were screaming bloody murder, Democrats and Republicans, trying to be the first to race to the microphones saying, “It isn’t going to happen,” when in fact it was harmless.

But nobody cared about the details.

Ignorance, folks…

Ignorance is the most expensive commodity we pay for in this country, and this whole energy bill, the emphasis on biofuels and alternative energy sources?

No focus on nuclear, no focus on more petroleum, no focus on the things that produce energy and a growing economy.

Nothing! This is irresponsible.

It’s absolutely stupid, and it’s made possible by the ignorance of a bunch of people who think that we’re in a crisis that we are not in — and if you want to see the future exactly as the environmentalist nuts and these nerds at the UN have in mind, take a look Oklahoma during the ice storm, and if you think I’m exaggerating…

wake up… reality check…

What do you get if you put coal-fired power plants out of business with nothing to replace them? If you’re not going to go nuclear, if you’re not going to use oil and petroleum products and you’re not going to use fossil fuels, what are you going to do?

Sorry, folks, we’re not there yet — and no act of Congress is going to get us there.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

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