Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Democrats are making all kinds of election-year economic stimulus programs — which, of course, will not stimulate anything but their own political fortunes.

Senator Clinton’s approach is to destroy the housing sector by freezing foreclosures, which would plunge banking and mortgage holders further into debt.

Congressional Democrats are calling for tax rebates, extended unemployment benefits, and more food stamps.

The last time Democrats proposed tax “rebates”, they were for people who did not pay taxes. Extended unemployment benefits only stimulate higher unemployment, by giving people no incentive to go to work. And food stamps don’t even enter the ballpark as a stimulus.

If you want real ECONOMIC STIMUS, try this:

  • Turn off the Media. You will be amazed at the difference in your perception of the economy, the country, and your life when you get rid of the daily gloom-and-doom from the Media.

If you know somebody truly in need, don’t hand the problem off to faceless bureaucrats in Congress who won’t do squat — help them, too.

  • Stimulate your own economy! Don’t depend on the government.Teach them to help themselvment; don’t live in fear of the future.


Work harder; make more money.
Don’t feel guilty!

The last thing we need is more welfare and big government programs. This country’s economy thrives when liberals are not in charge.

  • Do your part for a healthy America.
  • Oh, and last but not least, show Democrats the door in November.

That is real economic stimulus!

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