Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

I don’t know what’s going to happen down the road.

Look, one thing I don’t do is assume in February that things today are going to be like they are in November. I just don’t. Do you realize how much could happen between now and then? I don’t even want to go through all the possibilities.

Some want me to be realistic in pessimism, say, okay, we’re cooked, we’re doomed, what do we look forward to, and I’m not prepared to go there yet.

What we look forward to is what we always look forward to, and that is being who we are and attempting to change our culture as best we can. Stand up for our values and empower them wherever it’s possible.

By the way, some talk about the election cycle as over, don’t forget the House, don’t forget the Senate. The White House is one thing, but it doesn’t exist by fiat. What goes on in the White House, whatever the executive decides, does not always happen, so there’s plenty of stuff to stay focused on here.

We have to stop looking at this is a lost cause and how we don’t have any possibility of anything good happening until 2012.

That’s ridiculous.

Lots of stuff here still ahead. You never know what’s going to happen. One of the reasons, I’m so optimistic, is I love waking up every day because I don’t know what’s going to happen, and it’s always exciting.

Not just in the news, in my life. I don’t know what’s going to come crashing into it, wanted or not. — I certainly am not going to pretend it’s November the 20th in this year and I’m down in the dumps.

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