Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

There’s an Associated Press story on this FISA business out there about how Congress has failed to re-up the FISA program.

Bush is going to go ahead and go to Africa.

The legislation passed on Tuesday in the Senate lapsed because the House didn’t even take it up.

Recess started at noon today… I think. I don’t know if they’ve actually left yet, but they are taking a week or ten-day recess.

Surveillance can continue against known terrorist groups but any new groups that form, NO SURVEILLANCE — (laughing) — all you gotta do, “Okay, we are no longer Al-Qaeda. We are Il-Qaeda, Incorporated, and you can’t surveil us.”

But the AP story, the headline is:

“Bush Says Congress Putting US in Danger.”

The headline should be: “Bush Says Democrats Putting US in Danger,” because it’s the Democrats in Congress who are holding it up.

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