Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

There is a new idea, and it’s been running around, it’s actually not new, but it’s become almost an official stamp of the Democrat Party and the American left…

That is the concept that America is bad and failed, that Americans just can’t cut it, that we need help from government, and we need help from illegal immigrants.

Look at the Obamas. They are hugely successful. They are black. They are spreading the idea, though, that black people can’t make it in America. Not only that, they’re spreading the idea that nobody can make it in America, and that is the new idea.

The new idea is that no one can make it in America.

Now, this has always been one of their underpinnings, one of the foundational building blocks of their ideology but now they’re out in the open with it, now they’re saying it out loud, now their presidential candidate, a black man and his wife who have made it and are hugely successful, are telling everybody else they can’t.

Where did they learn this attitude?

They learned this attitude at their Ivy League schools, they learned it in their hate-America church. They think — and they might be right — that they are the first generation with this attitude.

Do you think Mr. and Mrs. Obama want a better life for their kids than they had for themselves? They’re like all normal parents, wouldn’t you think? But do you think they’re telling their own kids, you can’t make it in this country?

“What do you mean, Daddy, we see you running for president, what do you mean?” “No, son, you can’t make it, you can’t make it. Tell ’em, Michelle, they can’t make it, can’t make it. That’s right, boys, you can’t make it, not in America. Girls, girls, you can’t, especially you girls and you’re black, especially you can’t make it in America.” “But Mom, but Mom–” “No, listen to me! This country is failed, it’s over, you can’t make it unless, of course, Daddy gets to be president.”

Last night, Barack Obama, as his silver-tongued beliefs were flowing out of his mouth, saying he believed in hard work and American values. You know, the old-fashioned ones.

But when you really listen, you can see that his projected policies prove that he’s lying, as he did not believe that.

He believes in massive protective government in all aspects of our lives like every other liberal does because you’re incompetent, you can’t overcome the obstacles in life, you can’t get past those people at Wal-Mart that are going to cheat you. You certainly can’t get past those people at Exxon that are going to cheat you. You cannot get past all of those people at the five and dime and at the Kwik Shop, they’re going to cheat you. And of course, you can’t get past those rich people. The only people that are going to treat you right, the only people gonna care about you will be people in government, massive protective government in all aspects of our lives, because Barack Obama does not believe in us or this country or American exceptionalism, and that, folks, is the new idea that Barack Obama and the whole Democrat Party are peddling.

And what the hell, does that do with HOPE?

Listen closely next time… you will find this jumping out at you, as I did.

No doubt…

Prev. Posts:

Explaining What Makes America Great and Why We Must Protect It.

Obama and the Truth about HOPE/CHANGE

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