Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Looks like the Michigan do-over is dead, The Politico is reporting.

“The headline from Michigan’s Hotline: ‘Ding-Dong, Do-Over Primary Is Dead — “Time of death for the do-over Michigan primary? Call it at about 11 a.m. today,”‘” March the 19th. “A Lansing insider IMs to explain the latest development,” and then this is on The website: “‘The Senate Dems just had a long caucus meeting following their long phone call with the Gang of Four [as Carl Levin and others pushing a re-vote are called], and the result is that no one moved.

There was no unity on the Democrat side! There just wasn’t, ladies and folks, there was no unity on the Democrat side. Because it’s an impossible concept! Anyway, we didn’t get any unity here in Michigan. Nobody moved, “Votes aren’t there. Thus, it will not go to a vote in the Senate. And barring some other last minute miracle that doesn’t involve those four, the governor and Hillary traveling to Michigan, it is dead as a doornail,'” and there’s an update from State Sen. Tupac Hunter.

“State Sen. Tupac Hunter, an Obama supporter, confirms the outcome of today’s meeting. ‘The caucus has expressed again today that there is concern about the proposal and a great deal of unreadiness,‘ he said, saying that sentiment is still ‘overwhelming.’ ‘We informed the four great Democrats who have worked very hard to come up with a solution,’ he said. ‘It’s one of those things where you can agree to disagree. The question then becomes, What do we do now?'”

So the Michigan do-over is dead, and this, folks… Let’s think ahead to Denver and the Democrat convention in August. Think of the potential lawsuits Michigan files. Think of the absolute chaos perhaps on the floor of the convention over Michigan being disenfranchised.

The game is getting more and more bloody exciting. A few more months till halftime, but, I have a feeling between Obama and Clinton, the fighting has just begun. We just may skip halftime and let the bloody battle that’s keeping us entertained so well, going and going and going…. To much fun… Loving every minute of it.

Nice to see Liberals exposing themselves on a daily basis to the American public. Something, we conservatives, have known forever.

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