Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Way too many of you, because of the effort to demonize oil — not just because of the mistaken notion that our purchases of oil are funding terrorism. That’s ridiculous.

Terrorists are not using oil revenues to be funded. Even that aside, oil has been successfully demonized in this country to the point that otherwise intelligent, educated people think we can just get rid of it tomorrow. They’re operating under the assumption that there is an alternative energy already out there, “We just refuse to use it,” because Big Oil and Big Lobbyists and Big Republicans are keeping us from this alternative energy.

Let me tell you… The only alternative energy that we have right now or for the next 20 or 30 years, is the energy we refuse to drill for in ANWR: oil. The only alternative energy we have for the next 20 or 30 years is oil in the Gulf of Mexico that we refuse to drill for but China, Mexicans and the Cubans are drilling for it in the Gulf.

But the liberal Democrats will not let our country pursue this alternative energy. They will not let us drill for it; they will not let us refine it. They will not allow it to happen.

Above and beyond that, this zero-sum game aspect, the idea that we can just get rid of oil tomorrow or next year or five years from now, and replace it with something that’s just as productive, efficient, and economical is absurd.

It is just intellectually absurd…

So is the notion that oil is evil. So is the notion that it has been so demonized.

Oil is not evil.

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