Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

We learned from the nineties, liberals don’t care if their candidates lie.

Obama lies through his teeth constantly, so does Hillary. Hell, folks, even Frank Rich in his column yesterday in which he basically said that Hillary’s Bosnia lie was the last straw, it wasn’t that she lied that bothered him. It’s that she kept it up after it was discovered so blatantly to be a lie.

The lie didn’t bother anybody. It’s that she was not smart enough to stop lying when everybody knew it was a lie.

Obama, his appeal so far is that nobody cares what Obama says. He’s this blank slate. So I give you an example. Obama gave an economic speech last week, and in that speech, he lectured everybody on the ethic of greed in the home lending industry.

Yet he does that while buying his own home that he couldn’t afford. He took advantage of the help of Tony Rezko, a racketeer, and his wife. I don’t think Tony Rezko’s ever been known for his ethics. I mean, that was one of the themes of Obama’s big economic speech last week: greed and ethics in the home buying markets.

It’s like George Will said yesterday on This Week. They all talk about “predatory lending,” and George Will said, “Define it.” George Will is up against four liberals if you count Stephanopoulos, the host, in the roundtable — and the liberals kept talking about “predatory lending,” and Will said, “Define it.” The point was, that George Will was making, how come all of you liberals want to make all these borrowers out to be absolute dunces who haven’t the slightest idea what an ARM is? What does Adjustable Rate Mortgage mean? You go out and you take an Adjustable Rate Mortgage, you are being told, “It can change.” Your interest rate might go up. When it did, everybody was crying, “It’s not fair! I can’t afford my house payment. I would like…” Predatory lending.

So the people who took a risk and it went south on them, are now portrayed as the victims of predatory lending. What’s predatory lending? Not one liberal would define it when George Will was asking them about it. So it’s the same thing here. “Ethic of greed” in the home lending industry, as though the borrower has no responsibility whatsoever as far as Obama is concerned.

The frightening thing is that the American people love this. They love being exempt from responsible in things like that. They love being thought of as being taken advantage of.

They hate the insurance industry, hate the health industry. Everybody’s a crook. Everybody is stealing from the little guy. Everybody’s making it impossible for the little guy to be happy.

You talk about greed and unethical behavior? There’s plenty of it in the way Obama bought his house — in my opinion, anyway. So where does he come off talking about greed or ethics involving home loans and purchases, when he got sweetheart deals? As did his pastor! He went out and bought $1.6 million house for the old preacher and a $10 million line of credit. What’s that $10 million line of credit for, and who gets it?

So it’s going to be interesting. We gotta learn the lessons of the past. Liberal Democrats don’t care that their candidates lie. When they start caring is when their candidates get caught and keep lying and making it tough to get away with the lie.

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