Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

The founding documents — the acknowledgment that our Creator endowed us with inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.

Life“. Liberals are against that. We can’t count on liberals to ensure life. Abortion, euthanasia.

Liberty” Nope. Liberals are not for liberty. They want to change whatever lightbulb you use. They want to force you to drive cars that you don’t want to drive. They tell you what you can and can’t do with your own property. The list is endless about the demands and the limitations on your liberty. You can’t smoke here; you can’t smoke there. You can’t eat that. You can’t eat trans fats.

Pursuit of happiness” When’s the last time you saw a happy liberal? When’s the last time you saw a liberal talk about being happy? When’s the last time it was part of their agenda? It’s not. They’re enraged, they’re mad all the time.

I’m not saying they don’t like life and liberty, but they’re not for it. They’re clearly not.

Let’s put it this way. Liberals have targeted life. We can’t count on them to defend it. Liberty? We have to make end runs around them and fight them to hold onto our liberty. Happiness? Who’s in charge of the daily news agenda, and what is the daily news agenda?

The daily news agenda is to frighten you, to anger you, to depress you, to make you angry — even without the real events in your life, which already can do that. The price of milk, the price of bread, the price of gasoline, the price of diesel for truck drivers, already makes you mad. Then you gotta turn on the TV and listen to all this crap from other people saying the same thing. They’re not into happiness.

OBAMA: Look, I’ve got two daughters, nine year old — nine years old and six years old. I’m going to teach them first of all about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn’t make sense to not to give them information.

Punished with a baby. Now, I know the Obama people have spent all day yesterday and today trying to “clarify” this, and what they’re saying is, “No, no, he doesn’t think that life is a punishment! He was trying to say that he doesn’t want his girls to get pregnant in their teenage years,” but I maintain to you that he’s no different than half the other liberals out there. All during the abortion debate, pregnancy was a disease. It was a sickness. It was an “unviable tissue mass.” It certainly wasn’t about the glory of life.

So when he comes out and says things like, “I don’t want my daughters punished with a baby,” we get a little window into his soul and into his mind about that kind of thing. But a baby he looks at as punishment? STD as a punishment?

These are consequences.

It’s not punishment; it’s consequences.

It’s all about actions have consequences, and liberals don’t want to admit that. Nah, it’s something else that they have to characterize it as — in this case, punishment.

The sanctity of life, sacredness of it, life is a political thing, liberty, political thing, pursuit of happiness, a political thing.

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