Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

In the Wall Street Journal there was an editorial, “Solving the Hillary Problem,” and there’s a quote in this editorial that says:

“Democrats should let Mrs. Clinton be Senate majority leader.”

Isn’t it amazing? They are so eager to get her out of there; they will let her be the Senate majority leader!

That’s something that you have to run for, and I don’t know that Harry Reid is ready to give it up. But here’s the points… When Mrs. Clinton first ran for the Senate and decided to make her move on New York there was a congresswoman by the name of Nita Lowey.

It was Nita Lowey’s turn. Nita Lowey had climbed the ladder. She’d been in Congress. She stepped aside. She passed on her turn so as to open the door for Mrs. Clinton. Now they want Harry Reid to step aside. What does he get for giving up his title as majority leader?

Maybe make him Secretary of Surrendering in the new administration. Offer him something. Secretary of Surrendering is good. Everybody is supposed to part ways and make way for Mrs. Clinton, get out of her way because what’s hers is hers and she’s entitled to it…

Except when it comes to the presidential nomination, they’re not willing to do it anymore.

They want her gone.

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