Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

I read a classic, Media, gloom-and-doom story from AP; it’s a collection of sob stories from around the country to justify their assertion that America is in a “bad mood.” The article’s message is that only by embracing “change” will we relieve our supposed “bad mood” — and, of course, Obama (if you have not heard) is the messiah who can change our mood.

Now, I’m not going to repeat the whining complaints from AP’s designated hopeless Americans because, frankly, what emanates from people invested in bad moods is drivel; it doesn’t interest me.

This is not the first time the dollar has weakened, it’s not the first time oil prices have risen sharply; not the first time the economy has slowed or real estate values fallen… and it won’t be the last.

But for every person the Media produce with a sob story, I can find you 100 who are not whining and moaning their way through life, wallowing in misery, waiting for somebody else to come along and wave a magic wand.

All these economic trends are cyclical, and I guarantee you our economy will rebound and it’ll grow stronger than ever. And contrary to what some of you believe the less action from Washington politicians — Democrat or Republican — the faster that rebound will come.

To improve your mood, open your eyes.

You have everything you need to make your life better because you have liberty — you’re an American. You own the power to unlock your own potential, no matter what is going on in the economy. You can drive the economy back… all by yourselves, working together.

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