Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

“Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said he stands by his remarks to an Iowa radio station last week that a Barack Obama presidency would be seen as a win for al-Qaeda and other Muslim extremists, ‘I don’t want to disparage anyone because of their race, their ethnicity, their name — whatever their religion their father might […]

Now, this is going to come as quite a shock to many of you, particularly those of you on the Democrat side, and particularly many of you independents who have an impression of Barack Obama that is false. That impression is largely that he is clean and pure as the wind-driven snow. He’s new. He’s […]

No insurance company, no politician or government bureaucrat knows better than you about your family’s health needs. You should have the right to purchase health care and health insurance as you see fit without governmental restrictions or penalties, and you should not be of the mind that your neighbors have to buy it for you. […]

This story on “Hillary Clinton’s campaign is set to announce later today that she’s on track to raise roughly $35 million in the month of February, a huge month by any standard measure of political fund raising and her best of the campaign.”  Now, “Obama raised $36 million in January, and appears to be […]

There is a new idea, and it’s been running around, it’s actually not new, but it’s become almost an official stamp of the Democrat Party and the American left… That is the concept that America is bad and failed, that Americans just can’t cut it, that we need help from government, and we need help […]