Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Folks, this is the 6th of June. I realize that many of you know what the significance is of the 6th of June, but if all the adult Americans alive do not know what today is, then there is something very, very wrong. If every journalist, if every pundit, every blogger, every member of the […]

Here’s some of what she said. PELOSI: If a resolution is not appropriate, then it remains for the credentials committee at the convention to resolve it. Then, earlier than that, I will step in, because we cannot take this fight to the convention. It must be over before then. I believe it will be over […]

The Democrats are still beside themselves over President Bush in Israel at the Knesset saying that Barack Obama — well, the Democrats are saying he was talking about Obama. The White House has denied that. This is the president yesterday in Jerusalem at the Knesset. THE PRESIDENT: Some seem to believe that we should negotiate […]

The Jeremiah Wright stuff is not really about religion, it’s not even about racism. The racism is in the Democrat Party. Let me tell you what the Reverend Wright stuff is really all about. It’s religious to the extent that he’s a pastor. What the Jeremiah Wright stuff is all about is: Just who the […]

On the Today Show, cohost Meredith Vieira talked to Obama, and she asked, “What’s the key question, Senator Obama, you want answered today? Number one question you’re going to ask General Petraeus.” OBAMA: Well, I think the most important issue is still the one that was asked in September, which is: How has this war […]