Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

The Obama voter, apparently, is one of the most ignorant sets of voters that we have ever seen or known about in a presidential race. John Ziegler got hold of Zogby, and said, “I have some questions,” and he paid him to do a poll. So Zogby did the poll after the election. The way […]

On Charlie Rose Show last night on PBS. He had on Tom Brokaw last night. As you read to this, keep in mind everything you’ve heard from Brokaw and others in the Media can for the past six months, three months, two months or whatever. This is of Charlie Rose and Brokaw trying to figure […]

Robin Roberts interviewing Barack Obama, and she said, “Do you have any regrets that you said to Joe the Plumber, your spread the wealth comments?” OBAMA: Not at all. Look, if John McCain’s best argument is that he wants to continue the same Bush tax cuts for the very wealthiest Americans that in 2000 he […]

How much money’s been spent on Michelle Obama’s wardrobe, or Barbara Walters’ wardrobe or Katie Couric’s wardrobe or Diane Sawyer’s wardrobe or Hillary Clinton’s? For crying out loud, one of Mrs. Clinton’s famous political fashion designers, Susanna Chung Forest, who designed Hillary’s pantsuits, which, that’s gotta boost the resume. She says that it would be […]

A few quotes in Manchester, New Hampshire.MCCAIN: Last week, his campaign actually found itself on a detour into the real world in the driveway of Joe the Plumber. Joe didn’t ask for Senator Obama to come to his house, and he sure didn’t ask to be famous and he certainly didn’t ask for the political […]