Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

NY Post: The Chevy Volt Could Lead to Blackouts You know the story the other day that the Chevrolet Volt is going to get something like 230 miles to the gallon? Adam Victor in the New York Post: “Sorry, the new Chevrolet Volt does not promise a ‘green’ revolution — indeed, the car could trigger […]

Barack Obama, was in Mexico, and had a few words to say about immigration reform. After whining for the millionth time about how much he has on his plate, Obama said he expects Congress to draft an immigration bill by year’s end… after health care, energy, and financial regulations are enacted. Vowing he’ll get immigration […]

The numbers tell the story. Researchers from the PPIC, the Public Policy Institute of California, examined Census Bureau data to answer a question of immense concern to state legislators. They wanted to find out if the rich are fleeing the state due to high taxes. Answer? Some rich are leaving California. But the poor are […]

A story out of Alaska involving Governor Sarah Palin, and what it demonstrates is that you can cut government but you have to really get far from Washington. “Gov. Sarah Palin announced in her State of the State Speech on Thursday night that she wants to freeze all state hiring except for public safety but […]

Last week, John McCain attacked the Bush Administration for wasteful spending, while Obama blamed Bush and Wall Street for economic conditions overall. Both these candidates promised vast improvement if elected. McCain’s version included giving himself some wiggle room on his commitment not to raise taxes. Obama, hopeless as ever, merely offered to change course with […]