Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

You know, the most enduring image from World War II is the photo of the Marines raising the American flag over Iwo Jima. The photo — it captures so much about this nation and its courageous soldiers — continues to be a source of inspiration and awe. It’s a call to victory in the face […]

Liberalism is the greatest enemy this country faces, because too much of this country is ignorant. It’s the most expensive commodity we have, ignorance. If there were half the education in this country that there used to be, liberalism would have died long ago. It would still be around but it wouldn’t be anywhere near […]

How many years have we had a war on poverty in this country? At least 50. And what are the results of the war on poverty in this country? We haven’t wiped it out. The percentage of people in poverty today, expressed as a percentage of our population, is pretty much the same as it […]

You remember years ago — liberals sued Big Tobacco and then hit consumers with massive tax increases, — to fund health care, as promised. Well, since then, states have indeed spent their settlement money on non-health care initiatives and have become totally dependent on tobacco tax revenue. And now they’re worried about the thriving black […]

On the Today Show, cohost Meredith Vieira talked to Obama, and she asked, “What’s the key question, Senator Obama, you want answered today? Number one question you’re going to ask General Petraeus.” OBAMA: Well, I think the most important issue is still the one that was asked in September, which is: How has this war […]