Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Liberalism is the greatest enemy this country faces, because too much of this country is ignorant.

It’s the most expensive commodity we have, ignorance.

If there were half the education in this country that there used to be, liberalism would have died long ago. It would still be around but it wouldn’t be anywhere near a majority because people wouldn’t in any way, shape, manner, or form trust it or believe it, because there’s no evidence anywhere in the history of the world that it works.

It does not deliver on its promises. So why focus on Obama? Because these people are telling us for us, they’re telling us themselves exactly who they are and what they’re going to do.

The liberals have redefined patriotism, hate your country, hate the military, seek America’s defeat. Hate American corporations. Hate all of these things that have made this country, that’s patriotism, standing up to our evil, guilty country.

If you are proud of your country, there’s something wrong with you. You are stupid or you are ignorant. You are bitter and you cling to your religion or you cling to your guns, and the fact that you love your country means that you’ve been hoodwinked and that you’re a NASCAR fan, and that you’re stupid. Because you don’t have the enlightenment to see exactly all of the evils posed to the peoples of the world by the United States of America.

Well, I think it’s the greatest enemy that we face, the most serious challenge that we face, and people say, “How can it be bigger than Islamofascism?” Because they don’t find anything wrong with Islamofascism. The liberals think Islamofascists are Islamofascists because we’ve made them that way, because of our support for Israel or because of our unfair treatment of various countries, or because of our wealth, because of our prosperity. They think it’s justified that we’re hated on this basis. They think it’s justified that our reputation’s in the tank, in their view, and what do they want to do to fix this reputation?

They want to cut the US down in size; they want to let people take shots at us. We deserve it.

You think I’m making it up? How many liberals have been quoted, among them Jeremiah Wright, who said America’s chickens are coming home to roost, we deserve to get hit on 9/11; we deserve those two jets to fly into our buildings; we deserve the Pentagon to get hit; we deserve more.

Our illustrious State Department after 9/11 convenes a serious forum on why do they hate us. Who cares why they hate us? Nothing justifies the murder of 3,000 innocent people. We have liberals saying, “Oh, yeah? How many innocent people have we killed? We deserve this.” So if the liberals triumph, and they triumph in such a way that they have four or eight years unabated to mess this country up, and if liberals do not find a great threat in Islamofascism, then where are we?

So, all of this, all the rest of this is academic. Liberalism is the greatest threat this country faces. Because liberalism today is so damn close to socialism, and in some of these statements that some of these Obama supporters are making, and in fact some of the statements he’s making, it approaches Marxism. It’s just stunning. And yet how many people do you think know what’s wrong with Marxism?

We need to do an education on who Marx is, because if there has been any education in our high schools and junior highs on Karl Marx it’s all been laudatory. It just means we share everything. Marxism means we share. We have too much, and we’re raping the planet, and we’re stealing other resources that are rightfully the ownership of other peoples around the world and we’re keeping them poor and so forth.

The only thing keeping people poor in this world is the unequal distribution of capitalism.

Socialism, liberalism, communism, whatever you want to call it, everywhere it’s been tried, it has failed.

Look at the former Eastern bloc nations that have escaped since the Soviet Union went south. Almost all of them have the flat tax. Almost all are using a flat tax, from anywhere from 15% to 22% and their economies are booming. The evidence of the failure of the Soviet Union, of Cuba, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, it’s just out there for everybody to see. And yet, people don’t see it.

We’re the greatest country in the history of humanity, and we are a force for good. We are the solution to the world’s problems. We are not the problem.

And yet, we have to fight this battle. We have to somehow get into arguments about the greatness of this country, with other Americans. And so this is why I’m focusing on Obama, and this is why I’m focusing on Clinton, and this is why I’m trying to get as many people as possible to recognize who these people are, by virtue of their own words. What bigger indictment can there be than Obama and Clinton and all the rest of these Democrats admit they have contempt for regular people?

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