Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

There’s a new Zogby poll out that says:

“Americans are feeling slightly more optimistic this month as they come to grips with a struggling economy and an uncertain future, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday. The Reuters/Zogby Index, which measures the mood of the country, rose sharply to 95.5, up from 87.7 in March, as all 10 measures of public opinion used in the Index climbed.”

Now, how can this be?

“Concerns about personal finances, job security and the direction of the country eased at least slightly, and positive ratings climbed for President George W. Bush, the US Congress and economic and foreign policy. Pollster John Zogby,” in analyzing his own poll, “said the improved marks were mostly a sign of tempered expectations as the public settles in for a rocky ride on the economy.”

Okay, fine and dandy. How does that make any sense? How does the public mood go up when they lower their expectations? I don’t know.

“More Americans feel safe from foreign threats and more are proud of the United States, and the number of Americans confident their children will have a better life jumped from 61 percent to 65 percent.”

That makes no sense whatsoever. It makes no sense with what is happening in the country today. Unless a conservative population were the ones polled, this makes no sense with what we’re being told is the truth about the mental state of the American people.

I, frankly, hope this is accurate.

But Reuters came out with this story:

“A majority of small and medium-sized businesses say the US economy is in worse shape than five years ago and nearly half expect a recession in the next year, according to a survey released on Wednesday.”

Now, that’s more like it from the media! That’s more like it, the doom and gloom that you’ve all come to be know for, that’s the way to keep up the tradition of destroying people’s attitudes.

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