Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Hillary Clinton, at a press conference on oil prices and the like, embarrassed herself. —- HILLARY: When I’m president, we will finally get tough with OPEC. You know, OPEC is a cartel. It’s basically a monopoly of the 13 biggest oil producing nations. They get together in a room a couple of times a year, […]

Gas Crisis… “House Republican leaders on Tuesday challenged Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to release a plan to lower gas prices that they say Democrats touted when they were in the minority. ‘Two years ago this week, you stated that House Democrats had a “commonsense plan” to “lower gas prices,“‘ the letter said. ‘In light of […]

AP Headline: “Executives See Credit and Housing as Big Threats”. But you know what they see as the second biggest threat? They don’t put it this way, but I will: The election of Democrats to the presidency the second biggest threat to the American economy, because they’ll raise taxes. Martin Crutsinger: “Turmoil in credit and […]

While in the Middle East this week, former president Jimmy Carter has generated some press for his efforts to befriend the Islamic terrorist group Hamas. Despite rebuffs from Israel — and our own government — Carter is playing the role of a “communicator,” as he calls it, supposedly gathering information from Hamas and Syrian leaders […]

There’s a new Zogby poll out that says: “Americans are feeling slightly more optimistic this month as they come to grips with a struggling economy and an uncertain future, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday. The Reuters/Zogby Index, which measures the mood of the country, rose sharply to 95.5, up from 87.7 in […]