Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

What’s the number-one women’s health issue, in terms of publicity? It’s breast cancer. The pink breast cancer awareness ribbons became fashion statements in the 1990s. Hundreds of marches took place every year promoting "breast cancer awareness." Constant public service ads urge women to get regular mammograms because early diagnosis can save lives. Well, here’s meat of […]

Walter Shorenstein is upset over the complaints or the perceived press bias in favor of Barack Obama. In his memo, Shorenstein concurred with the Clinton campaign’s assessment. He says, “I’m absolutely outraged with the media coverage of the presidential campaign. This is the most important election of my long lifetime, and to quote one of […]

There’s a big controversy over what happened on the Outlook pages of the Washington Post. A column that was written by a woman, Charlotte Allen, and the headline — “We Scream, We Swoon, How Dumb Can We Get?” She’s talking about women swooning and fainting in Obama audiences and so forth, and how this looks […]