Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Now, this is going to come as quite a shock to many of you, particularly those of you on the Democrat side, and particularly many of you independents who have an impression of Barack Obama that is false. That impression is largely that he is clean and pure as the wind-driven snow. He’s new. He’s […]

Nancy Pelosi today in Waltham, Massachusetts, talking about a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton ticket. PELOSI: I think that the Clinton administration has fairly ruled that out by proclaiming that Senator McCain would be a better commander-in-chief than Obama. I think that ticket, either way, is impossible. And that’s the 3 a.m. telephone ad that she’s talking […]

Governor Spitzer, do you really want to stay in office? Ok… try this. To hang in there… Reiterate that this is a private family matter; doesn’t affect how you do your job. Pledge to work harder than ever! Blame the sex-starved prosecutors; accuse them of using Bush’s illegal spying program to catch you. Charge them […]

Meet the Press, Tim Russert says, “Senator Daschle, would Senator Obama be willing to be vice president?” DASCHLE: Well, Tim, it’s really a rare occurrence, maybe the first time in history that the person who’s running number two would offer the person who’s running number one the number two position. What Barack has said is […]

Well, Barack Hussein Obama’s foreign policy advisor, Samantha Power, has stepped down. She was fired after telling a reporter — “off the record” — that Hillary Clinton was a “monster” who would stop at nothing to win the nomination. She also indicated that if elected, Obama would not order an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, despite […]