Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Gas Crisis… “House Republican leaders on Tuesday challenged Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to release a plan to lower gas prices that they say Democrats touted when they were in the minority. ‘Two years ago this week, you stated that House Democrats had a “commonsense plan” to “lower gas prices,“‘ the letter said. ‘In light of […]

Newsweek, Sharon Begley: “We can’t afford to make any more mistakes in how to ‘save the planet.’” She says… “You can stop berating yourself for buying that Spanish clementine or New Zealand lamb. Although lists of ‘what you can do to save the planet’ include eating locally — buying food that is grown nearby — […]

There is a rice crisis all over the world, ladies and gentlemen. Americans are hoarding rice. Sam’s Club, a unit of Wal-Mart, is putting limits on the amount of rice that people can buy. This is happening in San Francisco. It’s happening in Thailand. People in America, Filipinos, are hoarding rice and shipping it to […]

New York Times editorial: “The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result [on Tuesday], was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it. Voters are getting tired of it.” Right. It was a record turnout, was it not, in Pennsylvania? And […]

AP Headline: “Executives See Credit and Housing as Big Threats”. But you know what they see as the second biggest threat? They don’t put it this way, but I will: The election of Democrats to the presidency the second biggest threat to the American economy, because they’ll raise taxes. Martin Crutsinger: “Turmoil in credit and […]